Do you know your sexuality?

How many people understand their sexuality (sexual orientation)?
How many people deeply aware of being heterosexual?

Of course, everybody recognize himself or herself as man or woman. However, the recognition of own sexual orientation is different. We have problems for being a woman, or a man since human beings started to think.

Because it is proper way, because everyone follows it, it is right and I too must follow.
Aren't you thinking that way?

There are only customs, habitudes, and things favored by majority.
Before you discriminate and have a prejudice against minorities, please take a chance to think a little about your own sexuality. That is nothing but discovering and understanding yourself. It is not to say that being aware of own sexuality is respectable. But it can be the beginning to learn about yourself. Who are we? How we relate with others?
Why don't we take a time to think?

written by micky

"Koko ga Hendayo Nihonjin-Homosexuals-Vol.1
"Koko ga Hendayo Nihonjin-Homosexuals-Vol.2
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Do you know your sexuality?
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