98/05/19 update
Tokyo international lesbian & gay film festival

Last Thursday I went to Aoyama Spiral Hall to visit the reception of Tokyo International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival. This reception is more like "Thank You Party" but the place was filled with fine set of people from the DJ of some famous radio station to the president of co-sponsoring company. I saw Patrick, a DJ well known at clubs, and many drag queens. There also were directors and performers of entry movies from abroad and they were talking about Japan and their movies. I heard the person who directed Lesbian & Gay Film Festival in Brazil was extremely well known over there.

I'm not sure how many people were gay (homosexual) there but I guess at least half of them should be. What I want to say is, at the place named Tokyo International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival Reception normal men of sponsoring company in business suits and very womanly gay men were enjoying Champagne together, and isn't is wonderful?

Of course it was mostly business for them, but there surely was an open-minded atmosphere.
And I felt that boundary of a country, race, sex, and sexuality should have nothing to do with things that were cool, beautiful and of refined sense. Regardless of one's sexuality, to love fine arts, movies, artists, delicious stuff, and energy for all of them are natural and normal.

This Film Festival is to activate Japanese Lesbian & Gay scene, global exchange of information, and to demonstrate against heterosexual society. But I gave a glimpse of an ideal relationship among people there based on the concept that what is good is good regardless of sexuality.

"Koko ga Hendayo Nihonjin-Homosexuals-Vol.1
"Koko ga Hendayo Nihonjin-Homosexuals-Vol.2
Do you Know the term "Gender"?
About being a lesbian
About being a Woman
Do you know your sexuality?
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