International human rights group calls for Togi city to withdraw the elimination proposal of word concerning sexual minorities. |
Sept. 15, 2006 |
As for the amendment of ordinance to realize a gender-equal society, the International overseeing body of human rights, Human Rights Watch (Newyork) send on October 14 a letter protesting that to delete words concerning sexual minorities is against protection of human rights.
Otsuji Kanako, openly homosexual member of Osaka Assebly, also visited Togi city office and submitted a protest note to the city mayor Nagamine.
The letter from Human Rights Watch was under Scott Long, the director in charge of human rights of homosexual people, in which he wrote that the amendment meant to Togi city backward movement and existing ordinance should be kept.
The city meyor Nagamine said, "We respond sincerely. Even if the word is deleted, human equality is protected under supreme law. From now on ever, we will make our effort to respect for human rights of sexual minorities.
[The Nishinippon Shimbun]