A Sexual
The person without sexual action desire.
Abbreviation of the "Area of communication Bravissima!",
a complete members-only web site for women. Members have the
privilege at events such as Club Bravissima!
A person who is sexually attracted to both men and women. 'Bi'
means two, both.
Baritachi (slang)
The abbreviation of "Bari Bari no Tachi," that means
a very hard Tachi (butch).
Those who looks, thinks and does things like a man. Some Tachi
people don't like this slang.
Antonym: Barineko
Barineko (slang)
The abbreviation of "Bari Bari no Neko", that means
a very hard Neko (femme). Those who looks, thinks and does
things as a Neko (role of woman). Some Neko people don't like
this slang.
Antonym: Baritachi
The abbreviation of Bravissima! web site and "Club Bravissima!",
the woman-only event in Shinjuku 2-chome.
It means super and the best.
The superlative degree of "Bravo" in Italian is "Bravissimo."
However it is a masculine (-mo) term so changed its end to make
it a feminine (-ma).
Popular name of a Velcro supplementary underwear to make the
breast flat, available at sport shop. It's name came from
the sound to take off the underwear. But those who actually
use this term can seldom seen.
A common name for female homosexuals. Since LEZU (les), one
abbreviation of lesbian, is discriminatory, take out the latter
"bian," from "lesbian" and started to
use as a common name.
Similar term: Lesbian, Dyke, etc.