Nonfictions [Vol.3]
no Gaidoku (The Harm of Feminism) |
Written by Michiyoshi
Hayashi/Published from Soshisha/Price:1,600yen |
Now politicians, scholars, bureaucrats,
and mass communications are all fawning upon feminism. In this
book, the author is asserting the actual state in which feminist's
ideas are nothing but a quibble that entraps women in a difficult
Harassment of Working Women: A Case of Sex Discrimination |
Written by Catharine A. MacKinnon/Published
from Kochi Books/Price: 5,000yen |
Probe sexual harassment by penetrating the situation of women
who's getting it. To concentrate on a fundamental issue, "unfairness,"
between men and women, then take a deep and broad consideration
in the economical, social, and political problems brings a lot
of hints and hope that connect the law and the reality we live.
The long-awaited complete translation of the top seller, which
has been supporting the theory of conflicting to sexual harassments
in the world.
Anti-Heterosexism |
Written by Hiroaki Hirano/Published
from Gendai Shokan/2,060yen |
The author talks about
the difference of conscious among homosexuals, and also sends
a message to heterosexuals from the standpoint of homosexual.
A good textbook for people of all sexuality.
Boku no Kareshi wa Dokoni Iru? (Where is my boyfriend?) |
Written by Taiga Ishikawa
/ Published from Kodansha /1,500yen |
Taiga Ishikawa of Sukotan
Kikaku introduces his first independent book on July 12, 2002.
Sukotan Kikaku delivers correct information about homosexual
This book is his life history and essay about his first love in elementary
school, coming out in college, meeting "Gay" friends, and his present activities.