Same sex marriage permitted in Netherlands
for the first in the world history

On Dec. 19, the senate of Netherlands Congress adapted the bill that permitted a same sex marriage and gave the right equivalent of heterosexuals marriage. The bill has already been accepted at the lower house by an overwhelming majority, and will be issued next April.

In 1998, Netherlands admitted the annual pension, other social securities, and right of succession of property against homosexual couples who registered as partners to local authorities. 10,000 couples had already registered but the partnership was distinguished from the marriage between persons of different sex.

As the bill passed, homosexual couples were given the right equal to normal couples (of different sex). Similarly as for the divorce, homosexual couples need conciliation procedure at court.

To adapt a child from overseas is not permitted. Marriage of foreigners who don't have the right of permanent residence is not permitted either. To adopt a child, couples of both same sex and of different sex need the fact that they lived together for more than 3 years.

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