Nenkin (public pension scheme)

1: What is Nenkin? - Introduction
Public pension scheme is to secure the income for our life after retirement. If you pay certain amount for a fixed period time, you can receive Nenkin till you die.

The major one in Japan is the national pension scheme. All over age 20 should enroll. When you become 20 years old, you will receive a fundamental Nenkin number. This identical number will not change by getting employed or changing the job.

There are some problems with this pension scheme.
Inequality between generations
0Because of declining birth rates, present young people pay higher amount than elderly people
Inequality among generations
0Some company cover the half of the amount for its employees but others don't.
0Housewives who's husbands are company employee do not have to pay. The difference in premiums between those housewives and married women who pay by herself.

Upon those inequalities, lots of young people choose not to pay the premium. But before you make your mind, read information below and let's learn more about the scheme.

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